There's a gap in the molding at the bottom, but I'd planned on covering the seam with something anyway. Not sure what yet; I'll know it when I see it, I guess. I think it turned out pretty well. It kind of amazes me how much this thing is starting to look like my model. Just goes to show how a carefully planned project turns out better for me than my usual approach (making it up as I go based on a loose idea).

A fun shot of the ball in the dark, manipulated a bit. It actually looks even cooler than that. ;-)
I decided to stick Gnome on this machine instead of KDE; the latter is just too much of a hog, and buggier than the last time I used it. Gnome will work better as I try to get some games working in Wine. Guild Wars installed flawlessly using PlayOnLinux, and seems to be working upon initial tests. The only thing I miss is that in KDE, my editor stays in the foreground when I right-click a Picasa photo for the link, and now I have to switch back and forth again. Oh well, what's a little more clicking per post, other than carpal tunnel?
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